Art Paris 2023
  • Louise Barbu,

Art Paris 2023

03.30 - 04.02.2023


The Françoise Livinec gallery is pleased to organise a solo show
of Louise Barbu during Art Paris from March 30 to April 2.

Louise Barbu and Iris Clert met in 1974. Immediately
the gallery owner wanted to present the artist. It was to be in her manifesto exhibition
large women, small formats, 99 women artists.  It includes Shirley
Goldfarb, Marcelle Cahn, Louise Nevelson, Nadia Léger, Aurélie Nemours.....
For Iris Clert, these women have in common "to already exist,
each, separately, individually, freely". Her taste for
extreme novelty prevents Iris from establishing long-term relationships
relationships with the painters she discovers. For Louise Barbu
a relationship developed over the years, and Iris Clert exhibited her
until the closure of her gallery.

This friendship was a determining factor in the explosion of Louise's genius,
giving her the confidence to develop a theme, a technique
technique over nearly 50 years.