
Art fair
For its first participation at the fair Art Stage Singapore, Françoise Livinec Gallery will have the pleasure to present three major Asian artists : Li Xin, Wei Ligang et Kim Tae Ho.
The lines and the spots of the first works of Li Xin join the revolutions of the European and American abstract art and the Chinese tradition.
Rich of this both Western and Eastern culture, Li Xin has been involved in the development of the new perfume by Hermès, "Sir Li". He made a walk with Jean Claude Ellena in the gardens of Suzhou. From this singular encounter was born this new fragrance. Li Xin has imagined the visual clothing of the bottle and has signed its design.
This perfume which is already successful in France will be launched at the end of the year in Asia. On the occasion of this launch, Françoise Livinec Gallery wishes to present the work of this artist that cannot be ignored, besides Wei Ligang and Kim Tae Ho, for his first participation to Art Stage Singapore fair.