Jeanne Coppel
Jeanne Coppel
(1896, Galatz, Romania - 1971, Paris)
During her childhood in Galatz, in Romania, she discovered the colour and the texture with an Italian painter, Antonio Zumino. In 1912, she escaped to Berlin and took part in the avant-garde movement. She then was interested in the more abstract painting, in which the rays of light and color take the place of the real.
Student at the Académie Ranson, Jeanne Coppel got a solid classical education, she met Nabis painters, worked on landscapes and learnt the art of engraving. In the spirit of the Rayonism she assembled colour paper, the only material she had access to during the war. The non- figuration of Delaunay at the Exposition Universelle in 1937 pushed her into working on the abstraction. During the Second World War, she took refuge in the south of France where her desire to create translated into numerous collages made of recovered materials. The collage was for her a way to ?depersonalize? her works and to keep the anonymity. Without the burden of the brush, the one that determines the personality of an artist, the liberty to create is complete. Made of paintings, inks and pastels, her collages enabled her to experiment with texture, relief and colour effects. The change in technique caused form modifications and thoughts on the basis of the non-figurative art. The collages of Jeanne Coppel have an important place in the abstract art.
Her works are exhibited in France and abroad, from the Musée d?Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris to the Museu de Arte Moderno de Sao Paulo. The Fine Arts Museum of Quimper bought three of her collages to the Ecole des filles in 2014.
Exhibitions selected
Solo exhibitions
2009 - Exposition de la donation Jeanne Coppel, musée de Montbéliard
2001 - Exposition de 51 oeuvres, musée d'Unterlinden, Colmar
1994 - Rétrospective, musée P.A.B., Alès
1986 - Jeanne Coppel, musée de Pontoise
1976 - Rétrospective, Maison de la culture, Saint-Étienne
Group exhibitions
2017 - Ailleurs est ici, École des Filles, Huelgoat.
2016 - L'attrape-Feu, École des Filles, Huelgoat.
2014 - Exote - Esthétiques du divers, École des Filles, Huelgoat.
2013 - Quel temps fait-il ? Un climat de tableaux modernes et contemporains, École des filles, Huelgoat
2012 - Pierre qui roule - Les figures du paysage 2010, 100 ans de couleurs, École des Filles, Huelgoat.
1975 - Maison de France, Rio de Janeiro
1964 - 50 ans de collage, Musée de Saint-Étienne
1961 - Art of Assemblage, Museum of Modern Art, New York City
1955/1958 - Reliefs, galerie Arnaud, Paris
1948/1953 - Galerie Colette Allendy
Musée National d'Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes
British Museum, London
Museu de Arte Moderna, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Kunst Museum, Bochum, Germany
Musée d'Unterlinden, Colmar