Gabrielle Decazes
Gabrielle Decazes
(born in 1991, Paris)
Gabrielle Decazes was born in 1991 in Paris. After obtaining her degree in the Ecole Européenne Supérieure d'Art in Brittany, she lives and works in Rennes.
Involving a whole variety of materials - concrete, paper, graphite - and techniques - sculpture, drawing, photography - her work questions the forms of the landscape between geological epoch and a human one. From questioning of the anthopocene to the poetic of ruins, the singularity of the work by Gabrielle Decazes was honoured at the Salon of Montrouge, in 2016.
"In order to confront a new perception of landscape, Gabrielle Decazes invokes the notion of it both as an artistic genre and as a geographical concept. Through various stages of reproduction, reversal, appropriation or displacement, the landscape is both deferred (like a worn image) and reincarnated by the materiality of the support, the velvet of the drawing, the scale of the body. From a generic image, a singular landscape, the destination of an inner journey, a site filled with emotions - even romantic ones - and increased in geological strata." Julie Portier, exhibition catalog Mettre à Jour, Extension, at Frac Bretagne, 2015
Exhibitions selected
2017 - Comme un paysage, Galerie Françoise Livinec
2017 - 62° Salon de Montrouge, Le Beffroi, Montrouge, France
2016 - Atelier mode d'empoi, Museum of fine arts, Tours
2016 - Rendez-vous au sommet, group show organised by Faros, Mille Feuilles, Nantes
2016 - Et si le début du crépuscule était fait de mille drapeaux et bannières, Galerie du 48, Rennes, France
2016 - Homologie des formes, de l'éclair au sommet, with Michael Harpin et Lohengrin Papadato, Galerie du 48, Rennes
2015 - Mettre à jour, Frac Bretagne, commisariat Dominique Abensour, Rennes
2015 - Extremes Territories, Contemporary Art Space, Batumi, Géorgie
2015 - Toujours le même platene, with Lohengrin Papadato, Laure Mathieu et Benjamin Robert-Degude, Galerie Lyeuxcommuns, Tours
2015 - Territoires extrêmes, EESAB, site de Rennes
2015 - Extremes Territories, Closer, Kiev, Ukraine