
Ko Song Hwa

(born in 1950, Kunsan, Korea)


Born in Kunsan, Ko Song Hwa studied in the College of Fine Art at Hongik University, fallowing the teachings of legendary Korean artists such as Park Seo Bo or Ha Chong Hyun. She joined the Korean art scene mainly centered around the movement of Dansaekhwa (Korean Abstract Art) with other young artists like Kim Tae Ho. She left Korea for living and working in Paris. 

The work of Ko Song Hwa bases on a strong artistic personality stemmed from the mingling of Western and Eastern cultures, which has produced special results showing both the monochrome spirit and the rhythm in colour.

Several constants characterise her works: non-figurative, often composed of geometrical shapes, powerful colour palette and a radical silence. From the obsessive repetition of fine lines to the harmony of their compositions, the artist draws inspiration from the perpetual self-questioning between two contradictory terms, "tension" and "liberty".

Exhibitions selected

Solo Exhibitions

2015 Galerie 89, Paris

2012 Musée Manha, Pékin, Chine

2016 Galerie Han Ga-Ram, Séoul

2001 Hôpital Pompidou, Paris

1999 Hôpital Broussais, Paris

1991 Centre Communication, Norden, Allemagne


Group Exhibitions

2018 Vibrations, Galerie Abstract Project. Paris

2017 Construction Time Again, Bastille Centre de Design, Paris

2017 Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral de Paris

2015 Sens Croisés, Cité des Arts Internationale, Paris

2014 Sonamou, Cité des Arts Internationale, Paris

2014 France-Japon Co-existence et Co-prospérité Interculturelles, Espace Bertin Poirée, Paris

2011 Lorsque le geste, émerge de la peinture, OCDE Coréen, Paris

2009 Paris, New York, L.A, Centre Culturel Coréen, Los Angeles

2008 Les Cinq Sens, Espace Cinq Etoiles, Paris

1998 Les Artistes Plasticiens Coréens, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris

1993-1990 Salon Réalité Nouvelles, Grand Palais, Paris                      

1990 - XXIème International d?Art de la Cote d?Azur, Cannes

1991 Lauréate du Salon FIAP, Paris