Marthe et Jean-Marie Simonnet
After meeting at the Beaux Arts de Paris in the architecture section, from which they graduated in 1970, Jean Marie and Marthe SIMONNET work and live together and devote themselves exclusively to the creation and realization of plastic works: sculptures, paintings, outdoor games for children, monumental kites.
The Simonnets create their works in their studio. Their creation is not separated from the pleasure of making. On the contrary, it is a source of inspiration.
The Simonnets have remained faithful to the technology of reinforced plastics that they have learned to master. This choice was made for technical reasons, the need to make shells and envelopes rather than solid volumes, the ability to make their own pieces rather than stockpiling plaster, but also for economic reasons, to complete creations before any order is placed, to control production costs.
The Simonnets are concerned with integrating their creations into the lives of their contemporaries. For this reason, they are interested in architecture, urban furniture and children's games.
Exhibitions selected
2020 Roissy, Aéroport Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2G – A l'ombre des trois arbres Paris
2020 Plan d'Aou, Marseille
2019 Cap 3000, Nice
2019 Ecole maternelle de Broussailles, Cannes
2019 Exposition aux Bains, Paris
2018 Château de Chamerolles à Chilleurs-aux-bois
2017 Exposition dans la ville de Calais
2016 Galerie Le Pavillon, Saint Ouen
2002 Exposition personnelle Cinquième Galerie, Paris
1988 Les Polycloques, crèche 1%, Paris
1974 Arborescence polymorphique, Saint Quentin en Yvelines
1970 Polymorphes, Port Barcares