École des filles

Art to madness
06.06 - 06.09.2019Summer of 13 Sundays
Art & Mental healthThe Amis de l'Ecole des Filles Association organize a forum on 4 days, from June 6th to 9th 2019, with interprofessional workshops and meetings with the public on theme Art & Mental Health.
In the car pathway suffering patients mental disorder, the meet with Art improves the quality of life, autonomy, and inclusion in society. The Ecole des Filles is an art space (thematics exhibitions), life and culture space (special events), will be a point of convergence to create a multidisciplinary forum around therapies and innovative artistic practices.
The forum is organized in two moments:
- thematic workshops for professionals which propose training times and exchanges around the new therapeutic initiatives
- two public reports to democratize and sensitize people on this thematic
The forum program has been realized under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Klein (psychiatrist, founder, and director of INECAT) and Bernard Rigaud (director of an addictology health center and expert of Maldini's thought). Simultaneously, into art space will be proposed an art brut exhibition.
The Art to madness forum organized by Ecole des Filles proposes to explore the close link between openness to aesthetic dimension and pathological situation. It's about seeing how pathological situations impact the aesthetic dimension (with an artist become a patient or with a patient who creates) and impact of aesthetic dimension on the pathological situation (with creative activity or byreceptivity). Jean-Pierre Klein (art therapy theorist) andINECAT (art therapist formation center founded by him) are very involved in this forum. Jean-Pierre Klein takes its inspiration from Henri Maldiney's work (1912-2003) that the forum wants to make know. With interventions of art therapists, psychiatrists, and artists, the forum will probably not provide definitive answers but will know madness is a possibility of the man without he will not be what he is and that art is really feeling it by the fact that is updates the buried. "
Bernard Rigaud
Workshop for professionals
From 2 pm
Thursday June 6th
Jean-Pierre Klein - La fiction pour se dire
Cecile Huré - Conte et écran interne
Isabelle Geffray - L'art dans et avec la nature pour vivre l'instant présent
Silvy Gueniffet-Blas - Y a quelqu'un là d'ans?
Friday June 7th
Isabelle Ferré - Le rêve
Ruth Nahoum - Le sensoriel comme ouverture au poétique
Catherine Morice - Relation d'expérience
Olivier Couder - Art brut et théâtre, quels enjeux esthétiques?
Meetings with the public
From 3 pm
Saturday June 8th
Jean-Pierre Klein - L'art-thérapie est-elle exote?
Anne Boissière - Le mouvement à l'oeuvre, entre jeu et art brut
Cyril Hazif-Thomas - L'art chez des personnes atteintes de la Maladie d'Alzheimer
David Cohen - Rêver à l'hôpital depuis Charcot
Guillaume Bronsard - Doit-on enseigner l'art et la littérature aux étudiants en médecine pour améliorer leur capacité soignantes?
Olivier Bonnot - La musicothérapie comme traitement adjuvant pour les enfants avec autisme
Sunday June 9th
Bernard Rigaud - Art et existence chez Maldiney
Martine Lusardy - S'exposer à l'art brut
Bénédicte Philippe - L'art brut, d'autres yeux pour regarder le monde
Yann Queffélec - Écrire la folie
To participate
Registrations reserved for professionals: here
Registrations for all audiences (Saturday - Sunday): here
For any request: contact@ecoledesfilles.org