
Bretagne(s). L'Art en commun à l'Ecole des filles
École des filles
Réouverture de l'Ecole des filles, espace d'artHello,
Many of you have expressed their eagerness for the reopening of our art space L'Ecole des filles. In accordance with the new security standards, our art space will open its doors on Tuesday the 21st of May at 2PM for a new exhibition : Bretagnes, l'Art en commun, where you can find artists that you have (re)discovered during the lockdown, via our email exchanges*.
During this anniversary day of the death of Victor Segalen, Christian Doumet, in charge of the publication of the workd of the poet in La Pléiade, will hold an unprecedented conference in our art space.
Kind regards,
Françoise and the L'Ecole des filles team.
* discover them here
Useful informations :L'Ecole des filles, art space in Huelgoat, will be open :
From Tuesday the 21st to Sunday the 24th of May / Ascencion
From Saturday the 29th of May to Monday the 1st of June / Pentecost
From 2PM to 7PM
then, until Sunday the 21st of July
Every Saturdays and Sundays
From 2PM to 7PM
and finally, during summer season
From Saturday the 4th of July to Sunday the 30th of August
From Wednesday to Sunday
From 2PM to 7PM
L'Ecole des filles - 25 rue du Pouly 29690
Huelgoat - contact@ecoledesfilles.org
Press talks about us
? Le Télégramme, C'est la rentrée à l'École des filles de Huelgoat
? Ouest-France, Huelgoat. L'École des filles ouvre grâce à ses bénévoles
? Ouest-France, L'Ecole des filles rouvre le temps d'un week-end
? France Bleu, Déconfinement : que faire ce week-end en Basse-Bretagne ?