École des filles

Colloque Segalen 2016
05.07 - 05.08.2016Summer of 13 Sundays
« Victor Segalen and the Marquesas Islands »On May 7 and 8, for the fourth edition of the colloque Segalen, important personalities of the scientific world will gather at the Ecole des filles in Huelgoat, to talk about the heritage of the Marquesas Islands in the 19th century, its traditional culture and its interbreeding coming from the arrival of Westerners. Among speakers, several participated to the exhibition that just had been opened at the Musée du Quai Branly, « MATA HOATA Art et société aux Iles Marquises ».
A unique opportunity for the general public to think with intellectuals and researchers about the part of dream and invented paradise, lived by the artists who chose to live in the most far from any continent archipelago. It is also a way to ask about the conservation of original culture in a world in which everything is linked, and more generally on the discovery of the other one's culture, magnificently described by Victor Segalen in his essay on the Exoticism.
Saturday May 7th, from 3PM to 7PM
« Introduction »
Dominique et Guillaume Lelong, grandchildren of Victor Segalen
Reading of extracts from correspondence from 1903, since his posting in Polynesia, including his first reactions through contact with Maori populations, until his visit to the Marquesas Islands, when by chance his boat was chosen to take back the goods of Gauguin to Tahiti.
« Les Immémoriaux »
Philippe Postel
President of the association Victor Segalen
« La Polynésie après Victor Segalen (1920-1948) : Jean Dorsenne et l’illustrateur Jacques Boullaire »
Patrick Absalon
Curator in the Musée Départemental du Sel de Marsal and in the Musée départemental Georges de la Tour de Vic-sur-Seille
« Marcher dans les pas de Gauguin avec Victor »
Jean-Luc Coatalem
Editor-in-chief in the magazine Géo and writer
Sunday May 8th, from 3PM to 7PM
« Le Marquisien ou le sauvage ultime »
Claude Stefani
Curator in the Musées de la Ville de Rochefort
« Paul Gauguin et les marquises : Paradis inventé »
Caroline Boyle Turner
Former director in the Pont-Aven school of contemporary art, president of the Comité Paul Sérusier
« Les objets marquisiens au travers des Immémoriaux de Victor Ségalen »
Véronique Mu-Lipemann
Curator of the musée de Tahiti et des îles from 1982 to 2011, scientific adviser of the exhibition in the Quai Branly « MATA HOATA, Arts et société aux îles Marquises »
« Les objets marquisiens contemporains »
Andreas Dettloff
Franco-German artist, lives and works in Tahiti since 1989