Kim Dae Soo

Kim Dae Soo

from November 10th to 11.21.2015

Galerie Penthièvre

Entre éthique et esthétique

As part of the France-Korea year and on the occasion of Paris Photo, Françoise Livinec presents in her gallery located on the 24th Penthièvre Street, the works of a Korean photographer Kim Dae-Soo.

For 10 years, Kim Dae-Soo explored the aesthetic variations just as much as the ethical dimension of the bamboo.

Very well-liked by Taoists, the flexibility of the bamboo, that bends but does not break, is considered in Far East as an example to follow for the man, as well as his straight aspect, symbolizing uprightness.

Between abstraction and figuration, this photographic series by Kim Dae-Soo fully expresses some characteristics of the South-Korean plastic consciousness : the harmony between yin and yang, the link between the idea and the material, the deep and sacred relation of the man with the nature.