École des filles

5èmes Rencontres Victor Segalen
05.25 - 05.28.2017Summer of 13 Sundays
BordersDuring the weekend of the Ascension, the 5th Meeting with Victor Segalen, at the ?École des filles?, will have as theme: the borders. During four days, authors, personalities, artists will question the singularity of the thought of Victor Segalen and its contemporary resonances.
Thursday 25th of May /
« Le normal et le pathologique »
Florence Lautrédou, Régis Airault, Irène Frain.
Friday 26th of May /
« Hier et aujourd'hui »
Daniel Nordman, Alain Rey,
Françoise Besse, Suzanne Julliard, Mona Ozouf.
Saturday 27th of May /
« Ailleurs et ici »
Vincent Moriniaux, Cédric Gras, Kenneth White.
Sunday 28th of May /
« Le sacré, le réel et l'imaginaire »
Colette Camelin, Sandrine Chenivesse, Jean-Claude Bologne.
from 15 heures
for more information : contact@ecoledesfilles.org