Bernadette Bour, Gabrielle Decazes, Bang Hai Ja, Hur Kyung-Ae
Bétonner, broyer, coudre, gratter
from January 27th to 03.30.2019
Galerie Penthièvre
Quatre femmes à l'épreuve de la matière
Bang Hai Ja Naissance de lumière, 2014, Natural pigments on paper, 127 x 127 cm, Signed on the back
Bernadette Bour Orphée, 1992, Silk paper, painting and thread on canvas, 162 x 330 cm
Bang Hai Ja Matière-Lumière, 2004 - 2016, Natural pigments on geotextile, 40.8 x 44 cm, Signed and dated on the back