
Bernadette Bour, Michel Carrade, Pierre Célice, Matthieu Dorval, Jang Kwang Bum, Hur Kyung-Ae, Loic Le Groumellec, Wei Ligang, Kim Myong Sook, Ni Tanjung
Ombres et Lumières, L'art déconfiné à la galerie Penthièvre
Galerie Penthièvre
Let us ask ourselves about the place we have given to our creations since the 17th of March, to escape physical and mental isolation. We have approached, in vivo, the secrets of artists' workshops, but also the suffering of the mentally ill and the marginal.
During the occasion of our reopening, and to keep on exploring this brand new sensibility, I am happy to formalise an alignment with Outsider Art that I have been preparing for the past years. With the support of the philosopher Bernard Rigaud, this first dialogue between Outsider Art and Contemporary Art can make us think of Henry Maldiney, art philosopher and thinker of madness : "what is critical are the things that happen stealthily, in the margins of society" and "we exist in the continuous repetition of the unforeseeable, which means at the risk of and thanks to the impossible."
(Re)listen to the speech of Bernard Rigaud about Henry Maldiney at L'Ecole des filles as part of the Art à la folie forum organized with the support of the Entreprendre pour Aider Funds and the Ildys Foundation here.
Artists presented during this exhibition :
Hur Kyung-Ae - Bernadette Bour - Michel Carrade - Pierre Célice - Jang Kwang Bum - Hur Kyung Ae - Jerry Gretzinger - Matthieu Dorval - Marco Raugei - Loïc Le Groumellec - Mary T. Smith - Wei Ligang - Kim Myong Sook - Ni Tanjung - George Widener - Tang Xiping - Zuka
Useful informations :
The gallery on rue de Penthièvre, will be open :
from Tuesday the 19th of May to Tuesday the 2nd of June
Only via appointments
from 06 99 49 58 09
or contact@francoiselivinec.com
then, from Wednesday the 3rd of June
from Wednesday to Saturday
from 2PM - 7PM
Galerie Penthièvre - 24 rue de Penthièvre 75008
Paris - contact@francoiselivinec.com